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Privacy Policy

Our customers' safety and confidentiality are our priorities. In this Privacy Policy, we describe in detail which data we gather from users and the grounds for doing that. 

Our main principles in gathering and managing the user’s data are:

  • We request for the personal information only when it is needed for providing the quality services;
  • We gather only the minimum required information and never seek for more data;
  • We don’t store the users’ data for longer than it is prescribed by the legislation requirements;
  • We provide maximum transparency on our methods of collecting, storing and sharing the user’s data;

Our Privacy Policy describes the relations between the Company and the Customers, and it is based in all respects on the above-presented principles.

The Company and the Scope of this Policy

Paperstime is the company that is represented by this website and the dedicated mobile applications which our customers use to order the services. Paperstime gathers the visitors’ data from the following areas: 

  • The official website of Paperstime.com;
  • The official apps for Android OS and iOS mobile devices;
  • Other services offered by the company on the website, the plagiarism check among other things. 

“Personal Data” is the term for any data which may serve to identify the user directly or by implication. We can gather such information when a customer is using our website.

Paperstime guarantees its users the rights for privacy and safety. We secure the Personal Data and will not share them with third parties unless the definite conditions take place. We describe these conditions further. 

Hereafter you can find the information about the methods of data collection and storage. Also, there is a description of the control options which users have over these data.

In case you find this information insufficient, you may contact us for clarification regarding your concerns, and we provide you with the details. The Privacy Policy is subject to amendments according to the changes in the legal regulations. 

Ways of Collecting of the User’s Personal Information

We can obtain these data either from you directly or from the third parties if they are our partners and resell our services legally. These third parties act on our behalf and forward that information to us according to the legitimate responsibilities. 

In both cases, it is obligatory to get direct consent from the users to retrieve their personal data.

Personal Details that We Assemble 

The Company will aggregate the information associated with the visitor using the data it can obtain from the visitor's browser, or register with the help of the site analytic means. We also ask the user to provide us with certain details to guarantee the correct performance and service.

The below details are aggregated automatically:

  • IP-address;
  • Visitor’s device and technical information;
  • Behavior and navigation.

You can get more information on the “Cookie Policy” section. 

We request more information to create a new user account and then provide the service. We need these details to ensure that we can contact the user, and also for authentication of the user, for protection of the account and billing, invoicing and taxation-related matters.

Here you can view the list of the data which we require from the registered users with the explanation of grounds for collecting such details:

Name and surname

  • The main means of the user’s authentication;
  • The necessary data for issuing invoices and bills as well as for the taxation requirements;
  • The means of the fraud-prevention and protection of the account.

Email address

  • The primary method of contacting and communicating with the user;
  • The means to deliver the ordered services as well as the promo materials.

Phone number

  • User’s identifier;
  • The means of contacting and communicating with the user in urgent cases;
  • Customer Support tool. 

Physical address

  • The necessary information required for issuing invoices and bills.


  • User’s identity proof;
  • Account-protection means;
  • The necessary information required for taxation. 

Reasons for Gathering Personal Information

  • Delivery of the ordered services;
  • Regular notifying about products and services if the existing customer permitted such notifications;
  • Providing additional information about the purchase;
  • Informing about related products and services in the newsletters on user’s permission granted;
  • Fulfilling the conditions of the contract agreement with the Company; 
  • Legal grounds in case of signing a contract with the Company.

Conditions When We Can Collect Information From You

Collecting personal data is possible in two cases:

  • If you give us your direct permission to gather the definite set of data by accepting the agreement conditions;
  • If you order some regular service, i.e. subscribe to a newsletter. Providing us with certain personal details is a part of the agreement.

Legal Grounds for Extracting and Processing the Personal Data

  • Signing a contract with us;
  • Having your direct permission;
  • Delivery the purchased products or services;
  • Customer’s direct consent to provide and share the information;
  • Legal requirements.

Methods of Aggregating Personal Information 

We request for personal details and collect them if you are consent to give us these data and allow using them in the following cases:

  • Using the official email address or the dedicated form on the website to contact the Company;
  • Purchasing our services;
  • Purchasing our services;
  • Contacting the Support via the official phone number.

We may seek the data which are associated with personal, educational, or financial matters. Or, we may need more data concerning your order. 

Other Sources Where We Can Collect Personal Data 

Third parties can forward us your personal details in the following cases: 

  • You visit other websites belonging to our network and order services there;
  • You provide the information to our business partners. This condition takes place if our partners have your permission to collect your data and share them with us. 

Also, we are entitled to gather such data from our business partners who officially resell our services and/or contribute to our financial, delivery and technical areas. More sources are advertising networks, establishments that run the background check services, and other parties that are legally obliged to aggregate your information and share it with is.

If you upload or download any files during the process of our business communication or while using the Paperstime.com website, we reserve the right to store these files. We do not guarantee security for such files, thus, the user should not share files containing sensitive information or files with dubious ownership.

Sharing Personal Data

We may share the information you let us gather with third parties on two conditions: 

  • The user’s direct consent;
  • The legal grounds (i.e. the bench warrant). 

The parties which can access your personal details are the following: 

  • The marketing department of the Company for preparing the product and service-related promo materials;
  • Our partners performing their contractual obligations (i.e. the delivery);
  • Our subsidiaries, according to the 1159 section of the UK Companies Act 2006;
  • Definite third parties in case of your direct permission to share your data with them.

Additional Cases When We May Provide Your Data To Third Parties

Customer Data that we store can be transferred to the third party if that third party acquires the Paperstime and all its assets.

Other reasons:

  • The legal grounds;
  • The direct request of the government agency with the warrant;
  • The necessity to carry out the conditions of our agreements (i.e. the Terms of Use);
  • Other customers’ data and right protection;
  • Fraud prevention and risk management.

Aggregated And Anonymized Information

Some data which you provide us do not qualify as personal information. They do not contain any personal identifiers, and defined as “aggregated” and “anonymized". Such details are a part of general statistics, and in some cases, we may share the statistics with third parties.

Still, you have the right to object to sharing these data. 

Location of the Data Storages

We keep and process the users’ data on dedicated storage in the USA, as well as in the EU countries. Also, we retain the right to store and process these data on facilities outside the USA and the EU in the case of urgent need. This right is defined by the current Privacy Policy, and the user gives us permission for that by accepting this Policy and the Terms of Use.

We protect all your data from unauthorized access by encryption and use the latest technologies to guarantee their security. 

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